Founded in 2020, the Sleep Institute at Reykjavík University is a research center focused on exploring sleep and circadian rhythms. The institute brings together experts from various fields, including engineering, psychology, sports science, and computer science, encouraging collaboration across disciplines. It also partners with professionals from the education and healthcare sectors to support innovative research. With accessible facilities, the Sleep Institute provides a valuable space for those working on sleep-related studies, fostering new discoveries in the science of sleep.
Dægurvilla (e. jet lag), einnig þekkt sem flugþreyta, felst í röskun á dægursveiflu líkamans, einkum vegna ferðalaga milli tímabelta. Helstu einkennin eru þreyta og einbeitingarskortur yfir daginn,[…]
Svefnganga Svefnganga (e. sleepwalking) er röskun sem lýsir sér þannig að viðkomandi rís á fætur í svefni og framkvæmir ýmsar athafnir sem venjulega eiga sér einungis[…]